Friday, March 28, 2008

blossoms, like snow, fall upon the tender grass which by monstrous boots is trodden

so i feel relieved...and guilty...i probably could've handled the situation better, but it needed to be done...and now that it is, i regret any hurt i caused...and i'm sure a i caused quite a bit...but freedom, they say, costs a bit, even if it costs a revolution of self...
so! the pathways reception was was fun...tho it seemed shorter than usual. funny, that...and not as many people came. but, seriously, it was of major amusement for a good while. afterwards was a bit odd, but that's mainly my fault...i just had to pick that day, huh? well, it was inevitable...better now than some other less opportune time, yes? well, there's not much else to report, unfortunately, other than the fact that i feel i haven't gotten any real sleep in months...yet again, my own fault...i really should try and sleep more...but there are so many interesting books and such; i just can't leave them be for something so trivial as sleep. but i like sleep, really, i dreams are quite vivid...and every bit as interesting as my books. still, books can be deliberately read again...while dreams are evanescent, fleeting. so that should cause me to choose dreams over books, right? well, books are tangible...and they smell good.
well, i must say goodnight; it is getting late...midnight, you know...and i have to be up early tomorrow...

1 comment:


Ireland trip next summer; thoughts?