Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Sing me now asleep/then to your offices and let me rest

so today at the nursing home was pretty nice...i like it there. i sat with a nice woman today at dinner and met some other charming residents. once i get to know everyone and everything like that, i am sure to really enjoy working there. what else? well, there's nothing much more to say, really. only that i'm going to go eat some dinner...
hey! i have several new ideas for a story, but i'll let them stay in my head and ferment a bit...they need to be a bit stronger before i try to write them down. but i can tell you that i find them of great interest--not that this means everyone else will...and i still have not gotten to any of my other stories; possibly because i'm lazy...that could be a determining factor there.
well, i'm going to leave now...bye!

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