Monday, March 10, 2008

no time for fly-by dives

so one of my dogs was put down today. poor bruno...he's had cancer since last april and has just been going along the best he could...but he's been getting really bad lately, makes me a little sad; i mean, bruno's been with my mom longer than i she's quite upset. my step-dad, too...poor bruno. he was such a giant, bigg, fluffy, awesome, let-me-sit-in-your-lap dog. he was half australian shepherd and half rottie...and so loveable!
but! enough of the melancholy. i can't spend the rest of my life in mourning--for anyone. it's impractical. well, listen to me, prattling on about the impracticality of mourning. don't i sound horribly apathetic? but that's just me. i handle losses well--or at least people say i do. and it's not because i don't care, or that i don't feel the loss. i's simply that i want to spend my time thinking about the ones who are left. because, after all, they're important, too. let the lost stay in prayers, i think, and in memories. if i mourned the loss of everyone in my family--dead or simply gone--then i'd do nothing but mourn. and who really wants to do that? as i said; it's impratical. besides, i remember them just as easily when i'm happy as when i'm sad.
wow...i said i'd get off that subject, didn't i? well, forgive me, please. i get around to thinking about things and just go around and around...well, onto lighter stuff (finally). daylight saving's time. horrible time of the year. everyone's irritable and just plain tired. we should do away with daylight saving's time and stop messing with our already skewed perceptions of the subject. really.
ah! i'm reading this cool economics book on china. it's pretty interesting, actually. i just bought it at the book nook on a whim but i actually find it quite informative.
bah, i shouldn't be rambling on so long; no one cares, after all, in the long run. do they? well, in any case, Auf Wiedersehen!

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