Monday, March 24, 2008

when chapstick runs away

so Love Monster and Vampire Knight were updated. yay! i've been waiting for those two manga chapters forever! well, not forever...more like a month and a half. but, hey! they updated! it's so wonderful. and, yes, i know no one cares. but i just had to say it. so exciting.
well, my weekend was nice. i learned a couple of things and my resolve about something in particular ended up a good weekend after all...and then there were one or two things i did...yep...but i'm not gonna tell! no, really, nothing happened. i might as well be in boreville. except that angela and liz were with me, so things were quite lively.
oh! that reminds me. i made whiskey cakes this weekend with angela. yep. they were so fluffy and yummy, it was unbelievable! now i just have to figure out a measurement for the amount of whiskey to put in. oh, don't worry; you can't put too much in or the cakes won't bake right. just think of them as something comparable to rum cake...only with whiskey. so, no getting drunk off of cake!
well, there's not much else i can babble about, so i guess i'll head out now...well, bye!

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