Tuesday, February 12, 2008

I've never felt this random before

okay, so the world is a wonderful, awesome place filled with awesome individuals who do awesome things. but, i must admit, people are violent, deranged, and evil. that's right. and they scare me. ugh. i can't even think about more than like twenty people without wanting to build a bomb shelter and spend the rest of my life underground. which sucks, because i really like looking out the window at the world. i mean, nature is beautiful. and, while nature has so much movement, so much life, i'm not threatened. not nearly as much as i am by people. it's a problem, i admit, but it's all good. if i just stay in my own little world, nothing can hurt me...excpet for POLITICS getting so damned IDIOTIC! all right, the american system might have worked wonderfully when there were only a handful of states, but now it's just ridiculous. i mean, does anyone ever get anything done? there are too many politicians, each with their own individual agendas and to hell with the rest of the citizens. but let's not get into a political rant, shall we? that would be unproductive (not that i get much done anyway).
so i wanna work with old people. yep...i wanna work at the nursing home. why? well, so i can continue my assimilation of the old person persona. that's right. i'm an old person at heart. all i want to do is snuggle up on top of a heated matress, under a heated blanket, bake all day, read all day, and weave. oh, and stare out the window mumbling stories to myself. and if i have to walk anywhere, by god, i'm going to shuffle around. thank god i haven't gone so far as to wear socks on my feet, or all i'd need is to be hunched over and i'd be mistaken for an actual old person.
well, if you haven't noticed, i've gone a bit crazy here all by myself. yes. it's sad but, let's face it, this was going to happen eventually. luckily, i'll be back to my normal-yet-not-normal self tomorrow when i get back to school. and actually have something to do. yes. speaking of, i think i'll go and write up the terms i'm sure i missed in economics. and, luckily, i won't have to make those cupcakes i dreamt i had to make for economics last night.
oh! but tomorrow i'm baking those chocolate chip muffins for the VD party. i can't wait. i love chocolate chip muffins. but, sorry...i won't be making any healthy muffins for the party b/c i've already made them...and ate them all...hey, i was sick and i wanted muffins.
okay, so i doubt anyone read this, but, hey, it's cool. anyway, i'll say goodbye nonetheless. after all, i have to sign off somehow...i can't just stop in the middle of a sentence...it would be...

1 comment:

Angela said...

"i can't just stop in the middle of a sentence...it would be..."

You're an evil person. And, you should stop pretending like no one reads this post...seriously, you might hurt my feelings one of these days. I might have to stop in the middle of a...