Friday, February 8, 2008

Ack! the shame of such a one...

it's official...i have caught whatever's been going around the school. and it's a relief. i mean, i knew i was going to catch it at some point, but I didn't know when. so i was just waiting. and wondering. for a time there, it felt like a piano suspended above my head. luckily, i started getting sick on thursday night instead of monday night. because if it had've been monday, i would have been out for the whole week instead of just today. let me tell you, i'm sick most of the time (i always seem to pick up every cold that goes around in between sinus infections), but it doesn't normally drain me so much as this. normally, when i get really sick, i start crying randomly. but this time, i'm crying irrationally. like last night, i was sleeping and then one of my dogs woke me up. and then i was too hot to go back to sleep (imagine that!) so i shoved all my blankets off of my bed and started crying. because i couldn't get comfortable. and the tv was too loud. and my mom wouldn't go to bed and leave the house silent. and my puppy wasn't in my room. yep. cried for an hour. and today, i didn't want to go to the book nook (gasp!). yeah, i know. my mom even offered to pay for a book. yeah, i said "no." and i sat home all day and watched superman. i did. three superman films in a row. and i'm about to watch another. i hate superman. i scare myself when i get this sick and cranky. and i scare my mom, too. because i don't ever really cry unless i'm majorly sick. so she's checking on me like every five minutes...
well, i should go; my fever's coming back and i want brownies. which i'll have to make. oh! i'm baking muffins for the VD party on thursday. i hope everyone likes chocolate chip. but if you don't, i'll probably supply like a couple of banana muffins, too...if i remember. they're actually quite good. well, bye.

1 comment:

Angela said...

arg...i hate being sick. and people are just everywhere, especially mugen. he's just here. and i was trying to watch a movie with my mom and i couldn't find it online so i had to find another one. bah, i want to bash something while simultaneously weeping like a crazy person. Ohyeah, i hate yahoo too. yep, i deleted my account because of all the bulk mail i received, the freaky messages and friend adds, and the cherry on top was a paypal notification i received. i don't have a paypal account. I don't think i'll get another account either; i'll just talk to you with my hotmail one, no matter how bothersome it is at times. I'm bored!!! I really want to do something but i'm too tired. I wish you were online...ah well, i'll go pester someone into finding me some donut holes...