Thursday, February 28, 2008

"there's always a catch," said the cynic

pathways is almost finished!!!!! yay! but, then, there are changes to be made, especially if people who haven't done anything before now keep trying to change everything at the last minute. and they make them because they don't really understand what we've done. and why don't they know? because, even though they have time, they have decided not to do ANYTHING to help. well, besides help judge some of the artwork. yeah, real nice. grr...but, being the nice, wonderful people that we are, angela and i decided to accomodate these people and shifted half the pages in pathways so that these people could have their better-late-than-never way. jeez. i wouldn't mind so much if they'd actually TALKED to angela and i about their "suggestions," but they didn't. Instead, they went to mrs. durbin about it. and then there's the fact that they haven't actually WORKED on anything even remotely pertaining to pathways; unless you count their submissions. ugh. it makes me angry. Still, one of them was truly well-founded in their complaint. i understand completely. but the other two...they're just pissy because the only two people who have actually done anything can't anticipate their every whim and desire. so we're not psychic. yeah, take out a stick and beat us for it. stupid, freaking, mumble mumble...if it weren't for them, i'd be working on the index right now...
grrrrr...but! tomorrow is our writer's club picture and we get to have cupcakes for breakfast! woohoo!
well, have fun, everyone! as for me, well, i'm leaving. bye now!

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