Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Apathy does NOT control my life...

angela was out today! it's been like six days since i saw her last! wow. that makes me sad. she fell prey to the plague. that's right; i'm calling it a plague. might as well be one; you come back from it feeling like the undead. well, i've been out, as everyone knows...maybe...and came back today. lucky me, i developed an extremely stuffy nose and sore throat this morning and now, joy of joys, my cold is miving into my chest--where it will probably settle in for a month or two. wonderful, isn't it? jeez, at least it isn't like when i had bronchitis. i had that AND a staph infection at the same time. talk about irritating. talk about absolutely death-worthy. not really. but i was out for nearly three weeks for that...yep, that was back in middle school when i missed an average of like thirty+ days a year...go me. but now, in high school, i'm never given the proper time to get better. which only keeps me sick and tired all the time. at least i had breaks in between sicknesses in middle school. now it's always there. but's all good. i'm only sick so often because my lungs and sinuses are wonky and retarded and love to throw sinus and random-illness parties.
but! enough of that. i think i might just go and play final fantasy or something. possibly a more violent game. after all, rpg battles are just not violent enough. although FFXII isn't turnbase like the others, which is pretty cool. and i don't have to rely on magic nearly as much in this game; i only use cure and stuff like that. i mean, seriously...using magic sucks. my philosophy has always been something pertaining to the following: if you can kill it with an extremely wicked-awesome sword, why the hell use magic?
but, really...i should go disinfect my room or something...and my hoodie. no, better make that ALL my hoodies.
so, sayonara! i must be off!

1 comment:

Angela said...

"Why use magic?"
You have got to be kidding me. Magic is so awesome, I should not have to explain this to you but I will. Magic looks wicked awesome. I mean, I don't want to bash someone with a freaking sword when I can throw FI-IRE! at them! Better yet, evil green lightning bolts! Physical attacks are all the same. With magic you can spice it up. One second I'll freeze them, the next I'll blast them with a fireball. Physical attacks, it's always punch, stab, etc. but it all looks the same and they always do that stupid little grunt that makes it sound like they're putting a lot of effort into it but you only get like 2 damage. I know I'm talking about WOW and you about FF one billion, or whatever they're on now. Still, magic is better.