Monday, February 18, 2008

i want to make a dinosuar from an emu!

nothing's been happening. nothing at all, really. ah! but, we're getting to work on pathways! which is good; we've made all our selections and have begun to put the magazine together (building pages and whatnot). it's been hard getting everything sorted out; we had to have everyone vote on stuff; we had to sort that into folders, type them up, put them in new folders, re-sort them into categories depending on their original categories, and, once used, must put them all into separate folders labeled with their proper categories and the term "used." oh! and we need more essays. the only essays we have are from angela and, please! give us essays! it would be awesome...okay, well, i can't report much else to you besides the fact that we've picked a cover. and it's pretty good...i'm excited about it, as is everyone else...of course, it was our second pick; we wanted to do another one but, because we're not doing a full-color cover this year, we had to abandon that plan. but just know it was the best cover ever! still, like i said, the newer one rocks, too.
well, i know nobody cares. oh, but i'd like to thank ed for submitting all of his prose in...they were awesome and every single one was voted in. yay! okay...moving on...i haven't put any chapstick on in three hours; i'm getting antsy. oh! i've been looking up stuff on Twilight, mainly because i'm bored. It's a good series, to be sure. not exactly the best ever, but still wonderful. and it's getting a lot of people to read, which is good, you know? i think we finally have at least two of our twenty copies back on the library shelves. they've been checked out forever. well, enough of that. what else should i talk about? well, i can lament about the fact that none of my regular mangas have been updated in a while. i should probably go watch some more bleach but, oddly enough, i don't feel like it. i've missed like eight episodes...well, i'll go see about them...eventually...actually, i think i'll let them build up for a bit more before tackling them...that way i can get a bunch of them in one fell swoop.
ack! i have to rewrite some of my stories...there goes 140+ pages to rifle through and edit. see why i've not opened the document up since i finished it three years ago. wow. three years. that's insane. i can't believe that was three years ago. wow. i don't think i WANT to read what's in there; i might die of grammatical shock. there are a lot of things i need to fix...uggh...i had to completely toss out one of my earlier stories...simply because i don't think i could EVER make it work...oh, and i should finish that one story...i mean, it's on like page 170...i really SHOULD finish it...but, i don't feel like it...and then there's the witch story...i've trashed the eight chapters i had and am now starting from the beginning. not to mention there are a couple of fanfics i should be working on...i'm thinking of an epilogue for my ouran fic...but, yet again, i don't feel like it. ah! but there are maybe fifty or so stories i've written a first chapter for...and never got beyond that...and there's the eight-page history which doesn't belong to's just some random history written in the middle of a high's actually quite good, i think...and i can detect a hint of a story type, a bit further removed than most, though.
well, enough of that stuff...i'm just listing things in order to get everything sorted out in my head...sometimes things cross and i have to trash some stories because they've morphed into a more recent and interesting story. i recycle a lot of my themes and many different elements from older stories...jeez...i really should get to editing Shadowed Path. there are a couple of things which are just sort of sitting there at the back of my brain, screaming that they need to be fixed.
okay. i'll be going, now...ciao!

1 comment:

Angela said...

you should let me read the freaking story. You know, I'm quite good at helping you edit! Come on, you won't have to do all of the work yourself that way! Plus, I hate reading stories that aren't finished and this is one I can enjoy the way I want to!!!!!! GIVE ME THE STORY LADY!!!!