Tuesday, February 5, 2008

because shrieking bats live in my house...

i just went and voted. yep. i am officially a voter. who did i vote for? ah, i'll leave that up to you. okay. so did you know that you can vote for people who have dropped out of the race? yeah, they had john edwards and john kerry on the balot. nice. they also had a couple of random people whose names i didn't ever remember hearing...oh! i voted for SPLOST. yep. we're getting a bigger library! well, blairsville is. i think i'd go there to see the new booka. but i doubt that i'd actually get any. yes, that's right. our libarary sucks.
well, anyway...i'm gonna go. bye now!

1 comment:


like the new layout. oh, and thanks for all your help w/ random things lately. you're a lifesaver. :)