Tuesday, December 18, 2007

parents can be stupid, too...mine especially

all right. i'm going to complain. seeing as how my parents are, in fact, hindering my health, i believe i have the right. you know, my parents smoke in the house, but, as i have asked, they do not smoke while i am in a room with them. so they move from room to room, depending on where i am or what i'm doing. well, apparently, my mother doesn't like that. "i am sick and tired of moving from room to room, stephanie!" she yelled a couple of minutes ago. yeah, well, i'm sick and tired of not being able to breathe like a normal person and that is, most definitely, through no fault or choice of my own...but, then, i forgot you were born craving cigarettes, mom. please, forgive me my lapse in memory...anyway, i said, "yeah, well i don't like having asthma, but there it is..." to which my stepdad replied, "you don't have asthma."
...no. i don't have asthma. i've been deluding myself for six years now. yep. and i've even tricked my doctor into believing it, too. grr. i must say, to all the parents out there, that you are not God. you are not infalliable and you must realize this. instead of getting annoyed by a child's simple request regarding their health, you really should at least listen and consider. because doing anything less makes you look like a selfish idiot.
...okay...i'm finished. really, i just needed to get that out there. i've lived around smokers my whole life...and my asthma went untreated for quite a long time...and my family wonders why i complain so much. sigh. oh well, anyway, i should probably stop this little half-rant...it does no good to rail uselessly against my parents on a blog...still, bad habits and all that...well, bye!

1 comment:


Steph, I am sorry about your situation. It's so frustrating when the very people who are supposed to be protecting you/nurturing you are actually hindering or hurting you! You can come live with me in my smoke-free home anytime you want to!