Saturday, December 1, 2007

I'm allowed to have my quirks

I can say, absolutely, that last night's hour-long episode of Avatar: the Last Airbender was just awesome! Some big secrets were revealed and, though I had already figured out most of them, I was pleasantly surprised by their having been revealed. Not to mention that it was just a cool episode. I think I liked "Day of Black Sun" more than I liked "The Puppetmaster," which totally went into an ability I and several other fanfic-writers predicted. For most people, being able to figure out all the secrets behind the show normally makes them lose interest, but Avatar is really a neat little show and figuring out evereything just makes me want to watch to see how it all plays out.
yeah, so i wanted to bubble about avatar for a bit. other than that, though, nothing much has happened to me...well, except for some very cool dreams, but, then, that always seems to be the way of my dreams.
My house is empty right now; everyone has gone off to i can pretty much do whatever i's a pity there's nothing i really want to do. sad, really. well, actually, there is something i want to do. I want to watch the next episode of Avtar. but, alas, I cannot. so i shall have to amuse myself in some other fashion...but not by reading fanfictions. there are hardly any of any realy quality, so i might as well not even look...i know! i can write another chapter on my existing Avatar fanfic and then start another! won't that be fun? it will. all right! then i shall say farewell! bye!

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