Wednesday, December 12, 2007

erm...nothing really exciting has happened to me in a while, i mean, besides the writer's club/book club party we had this morning, but that wasn't as exciting as the fact that people liked my muffins. that's right. i made chocolate chip muffins. and they're all gone. so, basically, i have nothing to blog about. oh. i braided my hair today. it took me a while to get it to look all right, but i managed. well, it's second block right now and angela and i are in the library. again. it's not so bad. since our group finished our little project thingie monday and mrs. nichols is letting everyone finish up, we decided to leave the class, but only because angela wanted peace and i wanted...well, i don't really know what i want to do. odd, huh? my life, i'm afraid, is in bad need of excitement. really. either that, or i need some new books. books. yes...mayhap my mom will take me to the book nook this afternoon if i ask her really nicely...yup. i have money, too. my great-aunt sandy just sent me some for christmas. aww...she's only ever forgotten me once. she always sends stuff. and her cards are so cute! i wonder how she's doing. i miss that side of my family. my mom is always saying that we'll go visit, but then she changes her mind at the last minute. hopefully, though, i'll be going up to pennsylvania for spring break. and then i'll get to meet my new cousin, who is definitely being born this week. yeah, the doctors told my aunt that they're going to induce her if she doesn't have the baby. They're rather concerned about her health and whatnot. but she's doing fine, i hear. and so is the baby. gosh, my grandmother is so excited. she's acting as if this is her first grandchild. aww. poor lexi. spoiled before she was even born. well, when she learns to read, i'll send her lots and lots of books. oh, lord. the poor thing, she is going to get pink-shot when she's born b/c my aunt and grandmother have done absolutely everything in pink. i'll have to send my cousin some darker shades, just to give her a bit of variety. well, the bell just rung, so i have to go. bye!

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