Thursday, December 20, 2007

if only i didn't ever have to tie my shoes...

nnh. you know, i had been feeling off for a while, but i wasn't entirely sure what was wrong. I mean, there were times when i felt like i was living out three different lives, and none were mine. have you ever felt that way? stil, since quitting my job, i really began to understand what was wrong. and, i can't really explain it, but i'll try. it was like three different colors were splashed across my life, each with it's own tangle of mangled shades and feelings. And at the center was me, lost in a sea of gray clouds. It was as if i were searching for myself in those mismatched colors, never realizing that each was me. And yet none were. but it's better now. my days aren't so cut up. i think i just needed to stop for a moment and think about it. i also have to think about cutting a few knotted strings, know, random trappings which only serve to distract you. yup. you know, i would love to know what a psychiatrist would think of me. that could be interesting. but, you know, i'm probably too overdramatic. best not to overthink things. well, since i'm currently distracting myself from deep thought, i think i shall leave you all to watch bleach.
oh, but wait! there are friend/family updates: angela was in the hospital today to get her toncils taken out. everything went fine, but i think i'll have her explain the afternoon to you all; i'm sure her account would be much more amusing. i must say, tho, that my ecperience was, apparently, quite amusing. yeah...apparently, when i woke up, my world turned blue...and i remember that the "wild and crazy dreams" the doctors predicted i would have while under did not, in fact, actually happen. i had completely normal dreams. weird, huh? and i found the world, apparently, to be moving far too fast for me...i do remember, tho, that i was really cold. yeah, they had like five heated blankets on me...angela seemed cold, too. you know, she went to visit me after i had my toncils taken out...and i visited her! liz and amber came, too, and we had quite the time. we completely transformed that hospital room.
well, my aunt was supposed to have her baby over the weekend. she didn't. so she went in to the doctor's on tuesday night and they induced her. only she still hasn't had the baby. apparently she's only like six centimeters dialated and the pain medicine they gave her (that really powerful stuff they shoot right into your back) isn't working at all. so she's in a lot of pain right now. but she'll pull through. i'm confident. anyway, the doctor's going to visit her sometime this evening and if she's still not dialating correctly, they're going to give my aunt a c-section. so my cousin should be born either tonight or tomorrow. hopefully.
well, i'm going to go watch bleach now...bye!

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