Sunday, December 16, 2007

washing dishes makes me rant...

i both love and hate washing dishes. i love washing dishes...i just hate washing my family's dishes...okay...why can they not understand the neccesity of rinsing their plates off directly after they use them? i mean seriously. they just throw their dishes into the sink, stuff just stuck on, and walk away, letting food cake on the dishes i have to spend a lot of time cleaning. and why do i have to spend a lot of time cleaning them???? BECAUSE MY FAMILY IS A BUNCH OF SLOBS!!!!! grr! ahhhh! if i have to spend any more of my time trying to wash off gued-on syrup and BBQ sauce, i am going to do something rash (such as throwing those plates away!)! AND it's mostly food i would never in my life ever consider eating! because, ewww, they have horrid taste in food (maybe it's just me, but this is my rant and i'm not allowing any self-depricating comments here). meh! it's not so hard, really. simply turn the water on, and hold the plate under the water for a couple seconds until most of the food is fairly off. i can deal with the rest. but, no, if your entire plate is covered with an inch-thick layer of syrup (why so much syrup!!!?!?!?!?!?!), i'm going to take it that you're lazy and slovenly. yes. why, why must i be saddled with people who don't understand the word "sanitary?" sniff. the water makes my nail polish flake off...
okay, i'm done. what now? what other chore have they contrived for the now nearly-liberated stephanie? sniff. i'm cold, i want to play final fantasy XII, and my mother is screaming at the football game!!!!! i want to go back to work (i got food i liked there)! well, i don't really want to go back to work. i'm finished with the place. i'd much rather return to school.
okay, so my rant is over. you can all thank me later. well, so long!

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