Tuesday, December 25, 2007

the christmas that almost wasn't

my christmas morning went fairly well, i think. well, despite my having woken up at 5:00 with a migraine. yeah, that kinda sucked...luckily, though, after about a half-hour debate, i managed to roll out of bed and find some aspirin. all was good. well, my mom woke me up at seven so that everyone could open their presents. i got sweaters and money and...a HEATED BLANKET!!!!! oh, it's so great! you know, i think i mentioned to my mom (as a joke, really) a couple of months ago that i was eventually going to get myself an electric blanket, considering that i'm always cold (i have, currently, seven blankets and my new heated blanket on my bed...and yet no one else is cold...go figure...). well, she got me one! isn't that awesome?!? well, i think it is, but only because i'm won over by weird things like that. i thought things would be weird, considering, but, strangely enough, my mom and i fall back into this same rhythm, and don't speak about things...it's like the whole thing is totally forgotten or, rather, didn't happen. but it did. still, my christmas so far has been great and tomorrow i'm going shopping...and then possibly i will see phil and anna in a couple of days! oh, gosh! i haven't seen phil in so long! i'm so excited. he's the best, really. he's just great, so fun and bouncy to be around.
well, anyway...i should go...last night i got hit with about three story plots, all from different angles, and now i have to go write them down. alas, if only sugar plum fairies danced in my head instead of characters from stories not yet written...

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