Monday, September 3, 2007


you know, when i first started a blog (gosh, it was on livejournal in...freshman year!), i thought it would be sort of difficult to sit there and spill out my guts to the world. but, oddly enough, it's just like talking to yourself and i do plenty of that. not out loud, of course. that would make me crazy. but i think everyone talks to themselves at least a little bit (well, now i hope so because i've just admitted i talk to myself). i mean, i guess that's what the whole thought process thingie is about (yes, i said thingie). but at least i'm not completely ADD about it. take butterflies, for instance. not the monarchs or other definable little things, but the little blue and yellow ones. you know, the ones that you always see in movies flitting around a field full of flowers in which children are giggling happily. anyway, these little butterflies flit from one flower to another. i never really see them land and stay somewhere for more than a couple minutes. though i think that might be a survival thing, considering there are birds all over the place and birds do happen to eat butterflies. oh! guess what? i got home from work last night and there was a slug on my walk, just moving along. my mom thought she stepped on it, so i had to go and get a flashlight to make sure it was okay. i mean, i would feel really, really guilty if i was party to a slug killing. and before everyone mentally goes "ewwww!", i want to say that, as long as you don't touch the slug, there's nothing disgusting about it. i mean, yes, it leaves a little slime trail but that's because the poor thing can't just go around drying out. and, believe it or not, it helps them move better, so there! that went sort of off topic. what did i say about not being ADD? must've been lying or something...well, as long as i'm being random, i want to ask about hot pockets. what is their deal? i mean, i love them, but there's always that cold spot right in the middle so that, when you're eating, you have to rush through this little spot so you can continue eating the warm goodness of the rest of the hotpocket. but if you buy the cheaper ones, or even the lean pockets, they cook better. why is that? you'd think the more expensive ones would've solved this "cold-in-the-middle" dilema, but no. how odd.
hmm. i should probably stop now. i've got things to do, manga to read...

1 comment:

Angela said...

okay, first of all you do talk to yourself outloud and you are crazy. problem solved. now on to the dilemma of the cold spot in the hot pocket, you heat the hot pocket for half the time until it's about half melty and then you poke a giant hole in the middle and heat it for the rest of the time and it heats perfectly. really just like stick your finger through it.