Monday, September 10, 2007


it is something to ponder, i think. titles, i mean. if i hadn't been fretting about my essay (or its title), i wouldn't have been thinking of titles at all. but that's neither here nor there. right now, i simply want to point out titles. can the titles of blog posts help to determine the personality of those who write them? i mean, kriegy's posts all have some odd yet profound title while dakota's all sound like the titles of unusual songs or poems. angela's are simply bred from her thoughts. and mine...well, mine are simply sounds. random sounds i sometimes randomly spit out when bored. such as blarg. halfway between blah and arghh, it's a perfect combination of both frustration and abject boredom. or ni!, an alusion to Monty Python, which will squeak out when angela is poking me. and then there's others such as tra-la-la or hmmm or even eeek. all in all, i wonder what that would say about my personality. perhaps it means that my whole life is boring yet full of randomness. that is possible. but is it probable? about as probable as my innerself replaying potter puppet pals or reciting whole lines from pirates of the caribbean (which means pretty likely).
oh! i was eating lunch today and staring down at the corn on my purple tray when i looked up and asked, "why don't we have yellow trays?" beth adams looked up and gave a small look of confusion and i thus decided to reiterate. "our school colors are purple and gold and we have purple trays. so why don't we have yellow, too?" then, without allowing anyone else to say anything, i promptly answered myself. "i guess it's because there aren't hat many purple foods we could put on our trays to complete the 'school colors' scheme. i mean, corn and pineapple are very easy to come by, are they not?" and that was the end of that.
well, anyway. this is the end of my pondering. you must tune in later, i suppose, to learn anything else...addio!


Angela said...

i think i should switch up my titles on you. i think they don't have yellow trays for a couple of good reasons 1. everyone hates yellow and they would be destroyed within days and 2. your foods would blend in and you wouldn't be able to find them, like you said, not that many purple foods.

Dakota Floyd said...

Right-o! ALL of my titles so far have been lines from songs that I'm relating to at the moment. Basically, if someone understands my title, they can get the tone of my post without even reading any of it.

Oh, and as for yellow trays, uhhhh...I guess purple trays were cheaper? Oh, and I don't think our colors are purple and gold anymore. I think they changed it to purple and black our freshman year. I don't care enough to be absolutely sure on that, though.

Dakota Floyd said...

Oh, and PS: yargh >>>> blargh.

End of story.