Wednesday, September 5, 2007


okay. so the mystery of the hotpocket has been solved and i can now eat in peace. as for some of my other questions, such as why i like quantum mechanics and hate regular mechanics, they will have to be solved at some other time. basically, right now, i'm simply bored out of my mind and, though i really, really, really want to read more death note (a highly addictive manga which i haven't been able to stop reading), i've decided that catering to such addictions can't be good for my health. now, for the most part, i've been pretty good where my addictions are concerned. i mean, i've decided that i will not go to the book nook this whole entire month...well, not to buy a book anyway. and, despite the fact that there's a couple of books that i really want to order, i haven't gone and ordered them. now, i think that's a good thing, don't you?
gosh. cody and dustin are in the little TV studio here in the library, doing some sort of karaoke thing and it's rather loud. and really country. that's okay, though. at least it's a good country song. i mean, i'm not one for country, but there are a number of songs that i find to be good. besides, cody and dustin are rather good singers. they are, after all, in chorus with me. you know, i've always wondered why there aren't more guys in chorus. after all, it's a whole entire block full of sixty girls and all you really have to do for the class is learn the music. not so hard, right? but then i remember that boys are a bit touchy about participating in things they consider "girlie" that's why there are not many male cheerleaders around. you think they'd like tumbling around with girls better than tackling each other on the field, but guys are curious creatures, not that i'm discriminating against guys. girls have their quirks, too. but i'll not go into that right now. well, i shall leave you all, for the class bell is looming and i'd rather get to kriegy's class early.

1 comment:

Angela said...

nnnnnnoooooooooooo!!!!!!!!! feed the book nook addiction, i demand it. the book nook is all powerful plus if you don't go in jeff and dorothy will think you've contracted some life threatening disease like they did for me when i didn't go in for a while.