Thursday, November 1, 2007

The Concert:

the chorus concert went rather well, as did my solo...tho i did have a bit of a slip up...yes, i messed up but, luckily, i acted as if nothing was wrong and went onward, righting myself as quickly as possible without messing up further...and i was also a bit confused about what to do after my solo, considering cov told me a couple of different things. so, i turned a bit and stood next to cody, singing to him like a good little christine. but, hey, i sounded good. so it's all good. i think my little mess up was a combination of nerves and the fact that the microphone in front of me was glowing a distracting shade of blue. my mind blanked for a split second right before i started singing and shouted out, "BLUE!!!!!!" still, no one really noticed. i think. but, i'm telling you all now, so i think a couple more people will know...
all the other soloist did wonderfully (except for a temporary memory lapse from dustin...and cody king's throat decided to konk out for a moment). ashley, especially, did really well, but that's expected, as always. she sand the solo for "anything goes," and her voice is perfect for it...she totally owned that song. on the part of the chorus, there were a couple mistakes; mainly when girls knew the guys' part so well they accidentally went onward...but, on the whole, it was a totally wicked awesome concert...AND NOW WE GET TO CHRISTMAS MUSIC!!!!! aren't you excited? i am. i knew i could only take one semester of chorus this year and i chose first semester because i absolutely, positively, love christmas music. i don't know; it's just so pretty. and tomorrow we learn what we're going to sing!!!!!!!!!!!! yeeeeeee! so excited. i wonder if we'll sing "coventry carol." that, in my opinion, is the prettiest christmas song ever (well, besides "silent night, "o holy night," and "the first noel." those are a given). so, congratulate for not tripping on my insanely long dress and falling flat on my face right in front of the entire audience! and congratulate me for remembering to breathe. my breathing was handled quite well during my solo, i must say. no panicky gasps or squeaks.
oh!!!! cody and dustin were so funny! right before phantom started, they put on capes and then began to run through the church, acting like the phantom! it was great! those two, while sometimes annoying, can be quite entertaining...but i still miss patric. he was the best...
and now, to end this oddly long post, i must thank those who came to the concert in support: angela and liz, without whom i would have never gotten any pictures (thankfully, my parents couldn't make it. is it wrong that i feel so very happy about that?).


Dakota Floyd said...

Glad to hear everything went well. I was gonna go to it, but I already had a prior engagement (aka, a concert at my house).

Angela said...

yeah, I really liked the concert. I got more than just your solo on the camera too. I still have to download those pics.... eh, just another thing on my to-do list