Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Peter Pan

funny, isn't it, how time moves? sometimes it passes quickly, as if carried by silver wings. And other times it drifts lazily, like a bottle lost at sea. Time moves differently for everyone, and yet stays the same. Sit for a moment and think of the person next to you. Though you might find the day slow, to them, things move without pause. Or they walk beneath the water while you skate on the ice above. What is it, this undefinable thing which fills us? What is it that makes the very air whisper out a breathy sigh? I feel that surely the world is still, that it moves with deliberate hesitation, but the laws of science dispute such feelings. The mind, it seems, works hand in hand with the heart, to bring a world without boundaries, without laws of motion or time. Time flows around us and yet we are ever within time. Can we pause for a moment, to see in sharp clarity, the flutter of a falling leaf? Can we stop the world around twirling petals? We dig in our heels, never noticing that the sand beneath our feet has already turned to water. Time is a river, they say. But what if it isn't? What if we are all merely floating, submerged in an endless sea?

bleh. that's been brewing in me since last night. speaking of last night...yesterday i posted another chapter of my fanfic and got an even bigger response than yesterday! it makes me happy.

Peter Pan was both very foolish and very wise.


Dakota Floyd said...

Nice post...I've always wondered how other people see things, how fast their day goes by for them, yadayada. It's interesting.

And yea...I just really hate school dances. The only one I've been to was the one that we played at. I only stayed for 30 minutes after we played, then I went bowling and had a way better time. Haha. I don't even wanna go to prom. I think I may go for like 5 minutes, just to say I went, but I don't planning on sticking around too long.

Angela said...

Hey steph,

are you sick today? Whatever you missed for I'm sorry to say that Iggy came to calculus today. He said he might come back on monday so you can see him then but still. Ah well, ttyl