Thursday, November 1, 2007


Okay...Halloween was so uber awesome! i just had the best time! we went trick-or-treating around half the square then went off on various paths for about two hours before retreating to Angela's house, where we had this really great little party on her porch (which i helped decorate). when our numbers dwindled down to five, (me, angela, liz, mugen, and will), we ordered pizza from dominoes (and guess what? they messed up on my pizza and put it on thin crust, which i absolutely refuse to even attempt to eat), and sat around a little heater listening to music and talking. afterward, we went inside. then will left and we put in Queen of the Damned, which Mugen has been dying to watch. But mugen had to leave, which left angela, liz, and i to crash (which was within twenty minutes of mugen leaving). and, out of all the vaguery, i must say that i had a really fun time. it was great. i love halloween; it's one of my favorite times of the year (christmas surpasses it only because there are better christmas songs than halloween songs).
all right, so there was the update. i hope your halloween experience was fun, too. or at least pleasant. now...i have to go and read...or sequester myself in the warm room in the library...hmm...i suppose i shall do the latter.

1 comment:

Angela said...

I must disagree. Halloween is so much cooler than Christmas. I see your point though with the Christmas music but I make my own Halloween music. Mostly the Queen of the Damned soundtrack and Underworld are my Halloween anthems.