Monday, May 26, 2008

ahh...the bliss of summer...

yeah. right. my first official weekday of summer break and everything is sooo confusing. i woke up this morning to angry phone messages from my stepdad demanding why no one is answering the phone. my mom is nowhere to be i wander around, investigating. i find her outside, with my brothers, playing with the ground. so i go back in, grab the phone, and demand she call my stepdad because he, apparently, has something important to tell her. so she gets on and tells him to leave her alone because she's digging. my stepdad comes home for lunch and goes and asks her why she's digging. apparently, she doesn't have a reason. she just wants to dig a hole. yeah. welcome to my life. isn't it just completely logical? see why i can never be normal? i mean, my mother digs holes...for fun...and my dad is off somewhere, being all computer-geeky, playing a song, or...well, he doesn't do much else...
oh, after high school is starting out beautifully...well, i should go...


Dakota Floyd said...

Well that sounds absolutely magical.

Angela said...

crazy is as crazy does. Don't question it or it will mess u UP. trust me.


digging for no reason is fun. :D