Wednesday, May 14, 2008

The Last Days

so i have two more days (not including the graduation practice crap)! yeah...and they continue to go by like a snail trapped in amber. but wait! apprehension is setting in (like, i'm gonna trip on my way to get my diploma, aren't i?). isn't it wonderful? ah, but i still have to go to work.
haha...debbie, my boss, asked me if i was going to work full time this summer. ... ... ... like hell. no WAY am i going to work full time when that place sucks the life out of you in just four hours. sure, it'd be nice to get benefits. but i'm not willing to be in the hospital all the time to get them (it'd happen, i know it would; those nursing homes have all kind of random illnesses floating around, waiting for a young person to pounce on). besides, i'll probably be quitting halfway through the summer anyway. as i have no car and am probably getting a job on campus, having a job in blairsville would be idiotic. not to mention annoying to anyone i roped in to driving me (probably angela or liz. poor things. they drive me around enough as it is).

all right. onto the juicy bits. the AP test. I can't tell anyone anything about the multiple choice...EVER (but i think i can say that i thought them easier than the lit questions). And I can't discuss the essay questions until friday (really, what do they think our teachers are going to do in that two-day after period? hunt down our essays and change them? quick e-mail the questions to their study-buddies in other states?). but i will say that i think my strongest essay was my synthesis essay. i feel pretty good about that one.
what sucks most about the AP test (you mean besides the fact that it's so long so early in the morning?). well, we won't get the results back until july. that SUCKS. really, we deserve immediate results just for showing up.

well, i suppose i should stop where i am; i have to put icing on two more cupcakes and then they'll be ready. bye!

wait, here's a trivia question: what's worse than having the AP exam first thing in the morning?
A: having two japanese songs (one in which "PEACH" is yelled out a billion times) and "rebelde" stuck in my head while taking the AP exam.

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