Wednesday, June 4, 2008

cry into the night's rain

when it rains, we touch a sky lowered by sorrow. gray and filled with clouds, that hidden, endless expanse reflects a troubled heart with such ease--even as the cool air seeps through imagined barriers. but in the rain lies a secret triumph. drops of water, so crystalline and glimmering, hide what tears we shed. so the world remains happy in the face of a crowded emptiness.can you imagine the horror of the rain in a solitude world? the water drips, eerie and loud, against ears no longer used to laughter. do not leave us in the rain alone, friend of mine. we cannot bear to dance in this dim without your light.

but the rain, as always, passes, lifting the pall that grips our hearts. yet, without you, Oh glimmering Star, the world continues on, not as bright, not as glorious as before the storm. so do not blink out, do not fail those dreams you set. for if your wishes flicker and disappear, how will we find our way back to the memories you gave? we ask not for a new sun in the dark, but rather a candle in the night. confort us again, i beg, and leave us not alone in this desperate, starless night. though we clasp the hands of others, we cannot coax the moon to rise without youe smile.

please, mind not the rainstorm we harbor. think only of your own troubled seas. we will follow when these clouds clear again.

such a pity it is my voice cannot wing its way to your wounded heart.

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