Saturday, June 7, 2008

What do butterflies care?

okay, so it's hot. really hot. but not so hot as it is just plain muggy. horrible, really. and to think, i haven't been using my normal five blankets. it's surprising. even in summer i'm normally cold, but not this time. and it's not even summer yet! and, no matter how many times my step-dad cuts back the ivy, it just keep creeping in...we're being taken over. oh! but, speaking of plants, i planted some...yeah, just a little bit ago...some sweetpea, mint, forget-me-nots, basil, catnip, rosemary, and i think that's it...i might be forgetting something, but it's okay. the plant, i'm sure, will forgive me.
so, is there any drama for me to report? well, none that i'd care to. well, except for the fact that i am so extremely bored, i would like to cry. but, hey...nothing new there. my life is not interesting...unless you count my crazy family interesting. but, really, after living with it for a while, it's just annoying. no longer interesting in the least. sorry.
oh, how i would like to report that i've been sleeping well, not disturbed by random, made up facts for a story i haven't even really started yet. but, alas, i AM disturbed. i would like to, right now, tell my imagination that i am really tired of all the sleepless nights, the sudden need to get up and abandon my long-awaited tv show...that i really would like, now and then, to eat something other than crackers and string cheese. but, hey, it's not going to listen to me. i've tried it before...doesn't work. but at least i've been eating a little bit more than i used to...i mean, i added cheese...and i eat hotpockets and chicken every now and back on all of my summers, i know now why i stayed under a hundred pounds for so long...i didn't really start gaining too much weight until i started working at dominos last summer...and i was all too glad to gain weight there.
well, back to sheer boredom...i would watch a movie or something, but i don't know what i want to watch...there are so many...or i could (sigh) go and draw that map my story's been screaming at me to draw...but, you know, i still have to get a few things in order before i do that...i guess i could outline those three religions...THAT's going to be fun. not. i have to put threads of each into the others and then set down the differences, make sure nothing's too repetitive, you know, the usual stuff...i mean, they're basically in sequential order...just separated by maybe a thousand years or so...speaking of which, after i set down the general basis for each one, i have to go through any evolutions on the part of the actual practices, any corruptions, degenerations, all that good stuff...yeah, my imagination YET AGAIN taking over my life...
well, i should get cracking...bye!

aww, crap! i have to start on that language...i have to at least have it for some of the religious rituals i KNOW i'm going to have to write down...dammit...and there's one crucial part of the plot which revolves around that language...grr...i hate me...well, not really...i just annoy the crap out of myself, am i going to base it off the english language structure, or get down into the latin languages? or i could go completely random and base it off of something else...hmm...must think on this...

1 comment:

Angela said...

That's the most boring thing I've ever heard. Please, never turn your skills as a writer to an evil purpose. You could probably make me go brain dead if u tried.