Tuesday, November 27, 2007

tales from beyond

so i was out sick today, as you already know. i don't quite understand it, really. i thought yesterday that i was getting better, but it turns out i wasn't. i woke up this morning without a voice, the ability to breathe through my nose, and the ability to walk in a straight line without running into a suddenly non-stationary wall. so i was sent back to bed. where i gladly stayed until noon. i woke up again, took some medicine my mom got me, and fell asleep three hours later (after about an hour and a half of forcing myself to stay awake). and i just woke up again half an hour ago. and i'm really, really tired. but my voice came back and i can breathe! so that's the report. now, if my brother can be quiet for more than a minute, i guess i'll go back to bed...but i should probably eat breakfast first...

Saturday, November 24, 2007

I love Manga!!!

KYAHHHH!!!!!! Ouran High School Host Club has been updated and chapter 56 is now up!!! after two months!!!!oh, this is wonderful...aww, but I am sad that I have finished Hanazakari no Kimitachi E...makes me sad, but I have found two new mangas to read, too! Vampire Knights (which has more depth to it than most of the other manga fluff) and Full Moon wo Sagashite (is really fluffy but has its moments). Still, I am totally psyched about the new Host Club update! and it's all about my favorite character: Kyoya! he's so cool. He's not really the main character, or the one everyone thinks the main character is going to get involved with, but he's still a really great character. He is just presented as having so much more beneath the surface. so, anyway, I must affirm my love of manga. and anime. yep. thank god there are people willing to cater to such addictions! well, i must go. dakara sayonara!!!!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Thanksgiving fun

grr...you know, i don't understand the whole appeal of thanksgiving...well, i used to, when i went to my mommom pat's house for thanksgiving dinner. but now, it's just a holiday with turkey. it seems to have lost most of its meaning, you know? perhaps that's because my mom is so convinced that someone's going to ruin her thanksgiving that she gets really uptight. and the fact that my stepdad just cannot help but be an ass. so those two are yelling at each other all day while i hide in my room because i really don't feel like watching football all day long. my little brother hides in his room because everyone is yelling at him to get out of the way or shut up. lovely. and it never fails that, every year, during dinner, my eating habits are called into question once more. "you don't like mashed potatoes?" no. of course not. i hate mashed potatoes. you know this. i never eat mashed potatoes. "well, these mashed potatoes are real mashed potatoes...mmmm! aren't they good, honey? pete, aren't they really good?...you should really have some. go on, have some..." grr...and like four other sides are shoved in my face, too. and then, because i stay quiet and ignore everyone, my mother accuses me of ruining her thanksgiving meal. "why can't you just try some? just a little bit? everyone will leave you alone then." because the foods make me sick. i've told you this hundreds of times. you've actually witnessed the aftermath before...seriously. ah, but it's all good. at least they don't bother me about dessert...and, despite the tension and sniping, the atmosphere is pretty good...ah, makes me want to play final fantasy...
uggh...i feel horrid. my nose is all stopped up and my throat feels wretched. i want to faint every time i stand, too, which means i probably have a bit of a fever. but! the turkey shall revive me...! oh, but do you know how horrible it is to sneeze every five minutes? and not just regular sneezes. no, i mean high-pitched, throw you back two feet, bounce you off of walls sneezes. now imagine sneezing like that every five minutes while sitting in a chair that rolls. not pretty. my dogs have taken to avoiding the area around me...and, horror of horrors! i ran out of tissues!!!!! it's horrible!!!!! yep, i've already used up a giant box of tissues...
oh, i went to work last night...i never realized just how many people hate cooking the night before thanksgiving. but, as i suspected, there were lots and lots of people. and only three insiders to handle everything. i was on phones, on the makeline, at the oven...yep, it was a busy night. i'm sure people were a little aggravated with our bad times last night but, in order to make them happy, my manager and i decided to make the pizzas extremely good. i mean, like, when someone ordered a pizza with everything on it, they got it with TONS of stuff. if our owner had been there, he would have had a heart attack. those pizzas looked damn good. they were really tasty-looking. and the customers were soooooo nice! hardly anyone complained. i think they all understood. there, of course, was one person who called and complained about their order just because they wanted a free pizza, but we get calls like that all the time. i know they wanted a free pizza because they called back and said that they had paid for two pizzas and only got one. we looked back on the order and saw that we only charged them for one because they only ordered one. and i took the order. they only wanted one pizza. one pizza. it's okay, tho...they were a bit tipsy...
well, everything's quiet right now...well, except for the football game...my mom has that turned up to deafening proportions in the living room.
oh! and angela! i watched part of the chicago parade...i didn't see you in the part i watched, but i taped the rest of it. so, maybe i'll see the band later on! oh, and are you warm? i hope it wasn't too bad for you, tho it was snowing...congrats, tho, for going!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Yay for Hana Kimi!

all right! i've found my latest manga obsession! well, in my desperation for more Ouran High School Host Club, i decided to find a new manga to distract myself with...and found Hanazakari no Kimitachi E (translated to "For You In Full Blossom)!!!!! and i love it! i haven't been able to stop reading it. and, luckily, it's finished, so i won't have to wait for updates!!!! yes!!!! ah, these shoujo mangas, so addictive! mwahaha! oh, anime people are so pretty!!!!
okay...enough of the gushing...let's get to how i'm feeling...ahhhh!!!!! i feel miserable!!!! someone gave me a cold! grrr...school is nothing but a cess pool filled with germy miscreants!!! thank god for friends like angela! she understands the importance of shying away from those germy people!!!! waaah! there are so many!!!
grr...you know what? i've been reading too much manga...i've been slipping in and out of manga-talk and am even beginning to take on those sarcastic little side notes, too! waaaaay to much manga...and waaaaay too much time on my hands...hmm...i want to watch some anime...i believe there's another episode of Naruto: Shippuden out...
well, here's to anime and large-sized tissue boxes!!!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

so life is falling down around my ears. luckily, i'm too busy trying not to notice to really notice. so i'll continue on, having random, angry outbursts or make vague comments here and there. and hope things'll turn around. after all, if you have a good attitude for everything but still stay cynical, not only will you not be disappointed, but you'll be okay. you'll not lose yourself when everyone else has already given up. Or they begin to wonder how exactly they got to where they are.
on the bright side, tho, i'm going to angela's house this weekend. that should be fun and distracting. you know, right now i'm listening to mozart..."lacrimosa" is the song ...it reminds me of the song they played on the lion king when mufasa died. yup. that's what it makes me think of. anyway, i really like that song. i forgot how much i enjoy classical music. i think i'll go find some more (and thank angela for reminding me that classical music does exist). you know, it also reminds me of the Lord of the Rings music and some of the older music for final fantasy. yeah...okay, so i'm off to go check my e-mail and see if my fanfic has anymore fans...speaking of, i have to start working on the next chapter (and i really should write some more on my other fanfic). okay...
oh, and gomen nasai. i didn't really mean to go off on a mini tangent at the beginning of this post.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Peter Pan

funny, isn't it, how time moves? sometimes it passes quickly, as if carried by silver wings. And other times it drifts lazily, like a bottle lost at sea. Time moves differently for everyone, and yet stays the same. Sit for a moment and think of the person next to you. Though you might find the day slow, to them, things move without pause. Or they walk beneath the water while you skate on the ice above. What is it, this undefinable thing which fills us? What is it that makes the very air whisper out a breathy sigh? I feel that surely the world is still, that it moves with deliberate hesitation, but the laws of science dispute such feelings. The mind, it seems, works hand in hand with the heart, to bring a world without boundaries, without laws of motion or time. Time flows around us and yet we are ever within time. Can we pause for a moment, to see in sharp clarity, the flutter of a falling leaf? Can we stop the world around twirling petals? We dig in our heels, never noticing that the sand beneath our feet has already turned to water. Time is a river, they say. But what if it isn't? What if we are all merely floating, submerged in an endless sea?

bleh. that's been brewing in me since last night. speaking of last night...yesterday i posted another chapter of my fanfic and got an even bigger response than yesterday! it makes me happy.

Peter Pan was both very foolish and very wise.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

The Concert:

the chorus concert went rather well, as did my solo...tho i did have a bit of a slip up...yes, i messed up but, luckily, i acted as if nothing was wrong and went onward, righting myself as quickly as possible without messing up further...and i was also a bit confused about what to do after my solo, considering cov told me a couple of different things. so, i turned a bit and stood next to cody, singing to him like a good little christine. but, hey, i sounded good. so it's all good. i think my little mess up was a combination of nerves and the fact that the microphone in front of me was glowing a distracting shade of blue. my mind blanked for a split second right before i started singing and shouted out, "BLUE!!!!!!" still, no one really noticed. i think. but, i'm telling you all now, so i think a couple more people will know...
all the other soloist did wonderfully (except for a temporary memory lapse from dustin...and cody king's throat decided to konk out for a moment). ashley, especially, did really well, but that's expected, as always. she sand the solo for "anything goes," and her voice is perfect for it...she totally owned that song. on the part of the chorus, there were a couple mistakes; mainly when girls knew the guys' part so well they accidentally went onward...but, on the whole, it was a totally wicked awesome concert...AND NOW WE GET TO CHRISTMAS MUSIC!!!!! aren't you excited? i am. i knew i could only take one semester of chorus this year and i chose first semester because i absolutely, positively, love christmas music. i don't know; it's just so pretty. and tomorrow we learn what we're going to sing!!!!!!!!!!!! yeeeeeee! so excited. i wonder if we'll sing "coventry carol." that, in my opinion, is the prettiest christmas song ever (well, besides "silent night, "o holy night," and "the first noel." those are a given). so, congratulate for not tripping on my insanely long dress and falling flat on my face right in front of the entire audience! and congratulate me for remembering to breathe. my breathing was handled quite well during my solo, i must say. no panicky gasps or squeaks.
oh!!!! cody and dustin were so funny! right before phantom started, they put on capes and then began to run through the church, acting like the phantom! it was great! those two, while sometimes annoying, can be quite entertaining...but i still miss patric. he was the best...
and now, to end this oddly long post, i must thank those who came to the concert in support: angela and liz, without whom i would have never gotten any pictures (thankfully, my parents couldn't make it. is it wrong that i feel so very happy about that?).


Okay...Halloween was so uber awesome! i just had the best time! we went trick-or-treating around half the square then went off on various paths for about two hours before retreating to Angela's house, where we had this really great little party on her porch (which i helped decorate). when our numbers dwindled down to five, (me, angela, liz, mugen, and will), we ordered pizza from dominoes (and guess what? they messed up on my pizza and put it on thin crust, which i absolutely refuse to even attempt to eat), and sat around a little heater listening to music and talking. afterward, we went inside. then will left and we put in Queen of the Damned, which Mugen has been dying to watch. But mugen had to leave, which left angela, liz, and i to crash (which was within twenty minutes of mugen leaving). and, out of all the vaguery, i must say that i had a really fun time. it was great. i love halloween; it's one of my favorite times of the year (christmas surpasses it only because there are better christmas songs than halloween songs).
all right, so there was the update. i hope your halloween experience was fun, too. or at least pleasant. now...i have to go and read...or sequester myself in the warm room in the library...hmm...i suppose i shall do the latter.