Sunday, October 21, 2007

Sunday post how did my fall break go? to tell you the truth, can't really remember much. this whole week has been nothing but reading, writing, and watching movies...oh, and there's always been music in the background. saturday i read and watched movies then went to work...sunday i read and watched movies and went to work...monday i wrote, read, and watched movies, went to work, and then went to angela's house and watched heroes...tuesday i went food shopping with angela, watched movies, and then went to see Elizabeth...wednesday, i read and watched movies, went home, read and watched movies...thursday, i wrote, read, and went to work...friday i read, watched movies, and read some more...yesterday i read and wrote (a lot!), and watched Mists of Avalon (good movie, there! and book, too!), then went to work...and watched that episode of Avatar: the Last Airbender I missed...and today has been devoted entirely to manga and to writing more of my fanfic. later I shall go to work. my life is a study of monotony...with wonderful kidnappings by angela every other week or's a bit sad, really, but I don't mind. i mean, really. if you notice, reading, writing, and watching movies is just a giant escape. technically, i have had the most exciting week ever. i get to talk with ancient greeks and celts, meet merlin, travel to avalon, have fun on the beach with Fire Nation friends, hang out with werewolves, and basically go wherever I want. whenever i want, too. And when i surface, I can sit and watch the sunlight dance on my desk, or the moon shine becomingly in the night sky. I can watch cardinals hop around in trees and listen to birds sing. And I can smile as shadow leaves shift and sway on the curtains. All this seen from the haven of my little gray box, seemingly more boring than any other...but then you look inside and the walls are murals with a thousand changing scenes. It's nice.
So, my fall break was uneventful (though angela and i went to search out halloween stuff, which was fun!), and I'm eager to get back to school. But i'm glad i got some rest, even if my imagination wouldn't sleep.


Angela said...

don't forget that we're going halloween shopping next saturday. Oh yeah, I wrote the invitations now I just have to make them. I'll go ahead and do your's as a prototype and give it to you to see what you think.

Angela said...

I was just looking up some stuff for Ireland on and for the round trip tickets (leaving 6/10/08 and coming back7/10/08)and a car for a month, all for 1500.95 per person for two people. I'm looking at housing right now.


Try staying at hostels; they're great. Cheap, and you meet some really friendly people. Try bed and breakfasts, too. On the coast of Ireland, they're the BEST; the proprietors of each B&B give great travel tips and off-the-beaten-path places to go. Gee, I sound like a Frommer's Tour Guide! ;p