Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Singing Update (no actual singing involved)

okay...we had our solo tryouts this morning...mine went...okay...well, i got up there (because we have to sing in front of the whole class) and Erika Bunpumkoon (?) went before me. and she was nervous, which made me nervous. i was shaking really, really bad. then it was my turn. so i started singing....i did fairly well...until i forgot how to breathe. right in the middle of the solo, i was suddenly like, "oh my god. i just forgot how to breathe!" so i faded out on a part but managed to finish. that was good. so, needless to say, i probably didn't get the solo, but that's all right. it wasn't a life-altering, live-or-die sort of thing. i'll get over it. luckily for everyone else, only one other person freaked out. poor ashley loyd. she got so nervous and panicky. i think she was having a panic attack, but she went up to sing, and that was good. she managed to get out a few notes before turning red and stopping. i hope she's all right. really, she puts too much pressure on herself, i think.
so my morning was so-so. luckily, though, i got to eat a brownie right after my solo, so i'm good. all hail the wonderful ability of chocolate to make me giddy enough to forget mortifying mistakes like forgetting how to breathe! chocolate, chocolate, chocolate!!!!!!!!! all right, enough of that. let's move on to my trip to the book nook. i got my three books. and angela got a giant stack of music. yep. jeff (white-haired guy at the book nook) gave Angela the music dorothy (jeff's wife who is a professor at North Georgia Tech) promised she'd give her. so, all in all, it was a good little shopping trip there. worth the wait.
all right. lunch is soon so i have to go...

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