Monday, October 15, 2007


Boredom. It is only the first day of Fall Break and already I am bored out of my mind. I'm stuck at home and so confused as to what I want to do. And not a new book in sight! But, luckily, out of boredom comes great inspiration. Over the course of the last two days, I've had no fewer than five ideas for various stories. And I'm feeling good about that hundred-and-thirty page monstrosity that's been waiting on file. I think I can finally get past that one character...but I'll have to sit and stew for a bit longer. I should probably get cracking on rewriting the story I keep promising myself I'll rewrite. Nothing big, mind you, just some things I need to edit and such...but I really don't want to. I finished the story, it's over, no more work needed. except it needs to be edited. grrrrrr...Well, I have a week to play around with...and then I have to read Kriegy's essays. that's not too bad; I've already read a couple. The Darwin thing and the Communist Manifesto were surprisingly good reads...But what to do in the meantime, when my brain is all jumbled up with multiple storylines? hmmm...I'm so very bored...perhaps I shall go eat something...ramen, maybe...
Do you have any idea how hard it is to start a story? well, for me, I mean. First, i get a sense of a character. And then their story slowly unfolds. But do I just pick a random name and start writing? No! I have to go into lengthy detail about the smallest things which have hardly any relevance to anything besides my own peace of mind...and the name? it has to actually mean something to me. The name must suit the character somewhat. All that insanity is why I was up until five this morning, scribbling in some random notebook...with hardly any of my latest story written out. Because my little background had to be completed before I could write past the first couple of pages.
I'm excited about the Pathways contest. Did you know that I've won third place in the prose contest since my freshman year? yep, random little fact. I hope I get third place this year (no aiming for the top for me!) will complete my highschool acomplishments (not counting, of course, the biggest accomplishment of all: graduation). You know, not many people have entered anything into the Pathways contest. It's sad. Now, ready yourself for blatant advertising...
The Pathways Contest is once again being held and the deadline is almost up! If you have any poems, songs, artwork, or prose (stories, essays, etc.), then submit them to Pathways! You might just win some extra cash. Not only that, but all winners will be published in the Pathways Literary Magazine of 2008!!! and if your work shows up, you get a free copy!!!!! So please, please submit your works to Mrs. Durbin in the Library!
All right. My blatant advertising is now over. You can breathe a sigh of relief...
...well, that took up a couple of, to tackle the rest of the day...

1 comment:

Dakota Floyd said...

Seriously? I really, really enjoyed Interview With A Vampire. Oh well.

Oh, and I read some of the stuff for AP too...The Communist Manifesto says the word "bourgeois" too much.