Monday, October 1, 2007

luck is for beginners...

okay...i know i haven't written in a while and there's a reason for that. my mom got another computer to replace the one that burst into flames and guess what? that one just kicked the bucket. won't even go past the startup page. so i have no computer. again. and i have to wait another couple of weeks before i can get another computer. sucks, huh? not to mention this weirdie throat thing. this weekend, it seemed as if i was getting over it, but then i woke up this morning and now my throat hurts worse than before...only now i can actually talk...which makes it hurt more. wonderful, isn't it? and i can't go to the doctor because my insurance is all messed up and my mom has "no time" to get it straightened out. yeah, right. she quit her job a couple of months ago and does nothing but sit at home all day and she doesn't have time? either that or she just says, "sorry, honey, i completely forgot about it." and i don't even have any of my regular medicines, either, so naturally i'm going to be sicker than normal. ok. my medicines are, like, uber expensive. just one--one, mind you--costs a hundred and fifty bucks. a month. so, needless to say, i feel miserable all the time. but, really, that's okay. the only thing i'm really worried about right now is whether or not i'll be able to sing. people really don't think of me as a singer, but i sing all the time. and it's really, really horrible that i haven't been able to sing anything in the past couple of weeks. so right now, i'm focused on that. well, anyway, i've talked enough. goodbye!


Dakota Floyd said...

Well, hopefully you can get your throat stuff figured out. I've been having problems since late May, but the doctor can't seem to find much of anything wrong. Strange. Yargh.


Stephanie! I hope you are taking care of yourself; I'm thinking about you. I know, prescription prices SUCK!!