Friday, August 31, 2007


why does everyone insist on taking pictures of other people? okay, i know the answer to that one, but i still don't like having my picture taken. why? because it annoys me. and it annoys me that people take my picture without permission and then go around posting it everywhere. well, not really everywhere...just on some random page on myspace. which gets me to myspace. what's the big deal? a blog i understand. but must we all have our own special little myspace pages which we visit every day and spend hours on (i have a myspace, but i go on like once every couple of weeks)? really, is it all that necessary? i don't think so. i mean, i have better things to do. *sigh* i went off on a mini rant, didn't i? well, it's all good. at least this isn't one of my big, giant, "i-make-no-sense-whatsoever" rants. believe me, those can get tedious. especially for those who might actually want to read something other than the pissy words of someone else. people are, for the most part, quite self-centered. life itself promotes this self-centeredness, i believe. we, as humans, wish to succeed. the thought that, in our succession, we might hurt someone never crosses our minds, or at least not often. we compete for jobs and are completely jubilant if we get what we want. we don't tend to think of the losers. but ethics discussions are not to my taste, though occassionaly i might dabble in the subject area. instead, i'm quite content to contemplate random things. which, i think, is why i'm so random. take chapstick. who invented chapstick? where did it come from? and whoever decided to make minty-chapstick is a genius. they have my total support for the rest of eternity (i love minty-chapstick!).
you know, there's a lot of string and yarn all over my house. sometimes, i just randomly pick some string up and start braiding or weaving with it. that's my craft-thing. i don't crochet. i don't do plastic canvas or needlepoint. no. i braid and weave. it's a calming and soothing activity which requires little brain activity. which is probably why, when i was so sick, i made nearly a ga-billion little bracelets (not really. it was more like four. but i taught myself how to do them within five minutes and gradually, over the course of two days, moved onto very complicated weaves and braids).
but i shan't bore you any longer. i'm off to find more tea quotes.

1 comment:


ok, Steph, way to join our little blog family! Now that you have been indoctrinated, you have to report every day in class about your findings on all our blogs...nah...just kiddin...