Sunday, December 6, 2009

Now that Thanksgiving is over, all I have to do is wait [patiently]

So Thanksgiving was rather nice. But too short a break for comfort. I also, unfortunately, did not get the amount of sleep I desired. But, hey. It's all good. I got to bond more with my extremely cute baby cousin (she turns 2 in a few weeks~).

Christmas is nearing, and yet I still have to go through finals. uggh. The first of which is this coming Tuesday. And then I don't have another final until next Monday. Thank goodness my Macroeconomics professor is allowing me to take her final a week early. Otherwise, I'd be taking it on the 22nd. Not fun in the least, you know. Still, I am prepared for my finals. Mostly. All I have to do is get a few things in order... I should probably study. And it's most likely that I'll study for Pre-Calc and Econ.

I'm really excited about going back to good old B-ville (I get back on the 19th!). I can see mine friends and whatnot. It'll be so awesome. I'm a little worried about it, though. I won't want to come back to Arcadia. But, life is meant to have at least a few things you have to suffer through--I've always known that one. Still--I am SO ready for winter break. A near month's worth of friends and family. Can't wait.

You know, I find that being so far from Blairsville has made me a bit nostalgic for (I know people will probably flinch here) high school days. Ah, I had so much fun in AP and whatnot. So great. It's so nice to have such fond memories!

Well, as it is 2:30 in the morning--and seeing as how I really should sleep so as to not garner the now usual "are you all right?" from everyone who spots me--I should probably get to sleep. Or at least attempt to. Again. Man, going to sleep at 7:00 am and then getting up at 4:00 in the afternoon really messes with that whole sleep cycle thing. Not that I was doing anything crazy or energy-consuming. Parties? Drink? Pssh. There's no need for that; I've an imagination and a near-endless supply of stories, manga, anime, and television shows to sift important people to chat with!

Heh. Well, to sleep for me. Goodnight all!

1 comment:

Angela said...

You know how everyone says high school is hell and college days are the best? ...yeah, I knew it was a lie, too.