Friday, November 13, 2009

It's been a little while, yesh?

Sumimasen. It has been quite a while since I last posted! I could say I was busy, but that's a lie. I just find my time taken up by facebook--so addictive that thing! Yet again, I apologize.

So how has my life been, you ask? Well, I must admit that it's been a rather miserable couple of months. Health issues, apathy, and general homesickness have plagued me the entire time. Not that I'm complaining. Much. But, in any case, I'm transferring back down south next year (going with Angela to Reinhardt, hopefully...woot woot!). In the meantime, I'm working on my Nihongo and scraping by with a B in Pre-Calc. I have a big project for Economics...I'll be doing something regarding the gold standard and the impact inflation has on the price of gold, blah. Should be slightly interesting. We'll see. I also have to remind my Econ. professor that I have to take my final exam a week early; otherwise I'll be getting home on Christmas Eve. Not fun.

So, that's what's up at the moment. If there's much more...well, I don't know. My will to blog is fading as facebook takes over my brain and helps Hulu turn it into mush.

oyasumi, minna

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