Sunday, August 23, 2009

oh dear, betsy, you dropped the spoon again...

have you ever been on the cusp between happiness/giddiness and sheer guilt? not that i've done anything too wrong to feel guilty about. i'm just guilty about misunderstandings and bad timing. on the other hand, i'm just really happy. i can't even stop smiling. i'm near to delirious here. but i know this situation will not be pleasant to some. however, do i get brownie points for owning up to things (sort of)? i'm doing my best to use reason and look at things from a logical point of view instead of the panicked-yet-giddy point of view i'm wont to take.
well, nothing i can do about this happenstance to lessen the blow that's poised to come. so i will continue being happy until i have to own up to things tomorrow (nighttime is so lovely to help you push responsibility aside for a few more hours).

on another note, i'm still waiting to start my semester. i move onto campus this friday. i can't wait. i'm a bit bummed about my roommate deciding to commute instead (and a little apprehensive as to what arcadia's going to do anout it), but i'll not let that dampen my mood. so, wish me luck!

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