Monday, August 31, 2009

Arcadian Tales

you know, i never really thought about how much I actually like college. I just love the stmosphere, the people, and whatnot. I've finally got to Arcadia and, though I haven't started any real classes yet, i've had a great time just meeting new people and everything. I've fallen into the international crowd--not that it's a bad thing. in fact, everyone is so very interesting and they seem almost exactly like everyone else (except for my roommate who insists that my chips are "crisps"). Despite their accents, I can understand all of the international students pretty well. Okay, so maybe the Jamaican is a bit hard to understand...and my Irish roommate (only at times, though. I'm really good at interpreting what they're saying). there are two Korean girls--Soo In and Seong--who are just so cool. Seong doesn't talk much but Soo makes up for that by just chattering on. But not tiringly. Then there's Jin who's technically not an international student, as he lives in the US, but who came from China. He's pretty cool. We had a nice long conversation the other day about video games and Hiyao Miyazaki films.
It's so funny to listen to everyone complain about their roommates. I'm just glad that Katie is very laid back (I'm pretty laid back myself in the roommate department). Some of the others come back with horror stories--despite only being at school for three nights. I don't envy them their situations.
I love the campus--it's kind of small and relatively low-key. There are a lot of trees everywhere (and crickets!), despite being ten minutes from Philadelphia. One thing I don't like, though, is the food. Uggh. I think YHC completely spoiled me with its food choices (go YHC!), because i completely hate the hamburger/hotdog/sandwich/random meat meals. They have pizza, too, but I would not even recommend that pizza be given to my dogs. It's not good. okay, so that's an exaggeration borne out of my days working with pizzas. but still.
I miss my friends soooo much. Especially Angela and Liz. I wish sometimes that I could just see them. But other than that, i think i'm adjusting pretty well. I like it here at Arcadia. it's nice.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

oh dear, betsy, you dropped the spoon again...

have you ever been on the cusp between happiness/giddiness and sheer guilt? not that i've done anything too wrong to feel guilty about. i'm just guilty about misunderstandings and bad timing. on the other hand, i'm just really happy. i can't even stop smiling. i'm near to delirious here. but i know this situation will not be pleasant to some. however, do i get brownie points for owning up to things (sort of)? i'm doing my best to use reason and look at things from a logical point of view instead of the panicked-yet-giddy point of view i'm wont to take.
well, nothing i can do about this happenstance to lessen the blow that's poised to come. so i will continue being happy until i have to own up to things tomorrow (nighttime is so lovely to help you push responsibility aside for a few more hours).

on another note, i'm still waiting to start my semester. i move onto campus this friday. i can't wait. i'm a bit bummed about my roommate deciding to commute instead (and a little apprehensive as to what arcadia's going to do anout it), but i'll not let that dampen my mood. so, wish me luck!

Friday, August 7, 2009

"Easy" steps that take you in circles are NOT easy

So I don't have to take English 101, yay! All I had to do was take a placement test...which told me that I didn't have to take English 101, and that I should instead take an advanced english course... ... okay...
in other news, Arcadia has done a good job in killing my reliance on either a fax machine or the postal service. They have lost 4 financial aid documents (or never recieved them, i'm not sure O.o), which i had to make a million copies of and resend twice. And now they've also "not revieved" the medical paperwork I sent them in June. Oh yeah, great job. Good thing I still have the original. So now I have to call them up and complain...But is that the end of it? No. They also did "not recieve" my parents' request for a PLUS loan (aren't they wonderful?) which was sent in a month ago. But, on a good note, they're very nice about it.

I've talked to my new roommate. She seems very cool, and I'm sure we'll get along fine.

Oh, but on a better note, I've had some wonderfully delicious Pennsylvania Dutch Apple Pie. Now if only it was less sweet...