Tuesday, December 16, 2008

return to Nimh

okay. so i finished my finals nicely and am now back at home, wallowing in boredom. i dare say i'll soon appreciate lengthy periods of no activity, but for now it's a bit dreary. admittedly, i'm filling my time with writting and looking over notes, planning out my future life, and running back and forth to the doctor. the respitory infection that plagued me has now calmed down to an annoying case of inflammation, so i'm mostly all right. i'm kind of looking forward to next semester; i have english, math, history, and science all lined up. along with yoga and choir! i think i'll enjoy next semster. yep. i should be busy, but that's cool. as long as i don't crack under the pressure or anything. but, with english coming up (we're reading the handmaid's tale...), more history, and an area of science i actually enjoy, i think things will be quite fine. lucky me, i bombed my math placement test and only have to take algebra!! i love algebra. and the science, well, i'm taking the second semester of physical geography and this time we're getting into volcanoes and tectonic plates and rocks...all interesting to me. plus the teacher's pretty awesome. nichols the younger. he sometimes goes off on wild global climate rants, but that's all right. we forgive him.

well, i don't see much else to say, except for the fact that it's good to be back on this blog rather than the other one. i just don't like having to blog for an actual grade. too much to worry about.

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