Tuesday, September 2, 2008

apples and daisies

okay, so my world has not imploded...yet. right now, i'm just handling everything...i just read six chapters of my speech textbook in an hour...see? handling it. actually, it wasn't that hard...basically, if you read the main ideas, you can get the point of the text. then, if there are any special lists or diagrams or whatever, i can just sticky-note it as something important to review later. yep. uggh...one thing i DO have to stop procrastinating on is my bonaparte paper. well, i've actually got an outline all ready. unfortunately, it tells me i'm going to have about seven body paragraphs and possibly more than one introduction paragraph. i know; i'm crazy.

so, how is everyone else? adjusting well to the new year, i hope. i feel amazing. and i'm only concerned about one class: my computer class. and that's because i keep studying wrong and missing a lot of stuff on the quizzes (i realized i've been studying as if i were taking a multiple choice test...and they're not multiple choice). but, i'm getting better. and my presentations in there are going well...now, i just have to bring some of that stuff up and do some extra credit. that's right. i'm actually going to care and put real effort into my grades. astonishing, isn't it?

well, i should go on and finish my geography worksheet and get onto figuring out my thesis for my north atlantic current paper. i also have to think up a thesis for my bonaparte paper...and then i have to research a bit more for my debussy paper in music appreciation. guess what? i found some stuff in the text book for that! i should probably check my civilization book for bonaparte (because i don't already have a bunch of giant, boring books just on napoleon...).

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