Wednesday, April 9, 2008

when i'm off chasing butterflies...

all right. i have nothing new to report, no exciting news or anything like that...wait...i got string cheese!!!! yeah, not that exciting. so, though hopes are being toppled by the world, i've been alarmingly cheerful. i think it's a side effect of too many hot pockets. or the weather. it could be the weather, not that i'm outside enough to know.
yey! my spring break started today! yes! three days of total, unbelievable freedom!isn't it great? ah, i found another anime to obsess over. i know everyone cares, so i'll fill you in. you and the ivy that has begun to twine around my computer desk...yeah, that stuff has successfully infiltrated. it should be congratulated. anyway...back to the anime. i had started on fullmetal alchemist (which, for normal anime-junkies, is one of the first to watch) but then i moved onto DN Angel, which is pretty good...although someday, after i've rewatched all 160+ episodes of bleach and the entire Mobile Suit Gundam Wing (for the third time), i might get back to fullmetal alchemist...first, tho, i think i might check out blood+, watch the miyazaki films again, and then maybe a few random anime movies i find on animekiosk...yep...okay, i know this is a bit weird of me, but, really, what else do i have to do? i mean, it's not like i have any new books i can read. and i've already read the ones i have three to four times (more like twenty for some of my favorites).
ah! look at the time! it's almost 12:30! my day is half done! gee...well, i'll just go and do something now...maybe talk to my family. lord knows what they've been up to since the last time we spoke. they could've done anything in the past week! well, anyway...sayonara!

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