Sunday, April 13, 2008

ahhh! the dreams of fairies!

so i got to look after the two cutest kids ever...well, almost ever. arien and aidan were over today (3-year-old and 7 mo. that order))...their dad came to fish and his wife made him bring them...and they're so cute! awww...both have blonde hair...but arien has blue-green eyes and riotous blond curls while aiden has blue-gray eyes and dark blonde hair (which will most likely turn to brown when he's older). and this right after having to deal with old people. but, hey...the kids were well-behaved (well, aidan slept most of the time, being his baby-self in the middle of the day). and all i had to do was entertain arien a bit (by painting her nails and letting her send undecipherable messages to angela). well, it was a fun afternoon to spend, despite my being completely drained. so i'm gonna go and watch some tv and hope i fall asleep quick.
well, bye!

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