Monday, April 28, 2008


so i haven't updated in a while...a week, right? well, i'm sorry. i've been working a lot and then there were other things that occupied my mind. forgive me if i forgot. oh! i started another fan fic...which i might just go and see about continuing in a moment...yeah, i should probably do that.
well, today has been an interesting day, certainly. this morning, we had our reading checks and, for the life of me, i couldn't remember anything but random details which didn't help me. Like, i completely flaked on the rally and i'm pretty sure that i got the childbirth thing wrong...but, hey, at least i remembered that Davy was the third son, even if i didn't remember his name.
all the update is complete. now, onto other spanish, where i'll want to fall asleep (and likely will!). bye now.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

so it all ends with a trill

prom was fun. at least, i thought it was. my group might have made quite a lot of people feel awkward or freaked out but, hey, that's what we do. so i danced with a complete stranger (once...he sorta freaked me out...) and danced with some other guys, walker, and steven, and mugen, and will (once and only because he seemed like he was having fun). and i danced with liz, angela, beth, ellie, and a few others...which was fun...our group also got into a giant circle more than once for the slow dances...which gave us much amusement (i think we had eleven or twelve people at one point!). after prom was kinda fun--in that sedate, all-we-want-to-do-is-fall-down sorta way...we ended up getting to the cabin and collapsing on the couches (after divesting ourselves of our prom attire) to watch tv. we watched beverly hills cop. and with will there, it was even more hysterical. we all made random comments while angela and i dozed off (i remember waking up every couple of minutes to throw out random sentences which, most likely, didn't make any sense). well, angela and i finally crawled upstairs and started watching the lieu of roots. i believe ellie, kaitlyn, and ashley came up after that, and we all kinda drifted off to the movie. this morning was fun, tho...we all woke up about ten (earlier for maybe three people, tho)...and went downstairs to bug each other. we all ended up strewn about the sitting room, watching Kong and eating oreos. we also poked, tickled, and threated each other as much as possible (in between the jokes and hilarity). so, all in all, it was pretty fun...despite how my saturday went (asthma attack, allergic reaction, benedryl mishap, no water, cold shower, argument with parentals over my non-dating status during prom...). i'm going to attempt to find the latest three episodes of bleach...grr. some people are putting up fake episodes just to mess with us who are devoted...i hate them all!
well, bye!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

ahhh! the dreams of fairies!

so i got to look after the two cutest kids ever...well, almost ever. arien and aidan were over today (3-year-old and 7 mo. that order))...their dad came to fish and his wife made him bring them...and they're so cute! awww...both have blonde hair...but arien has blue-green eyes and riotous blond curls while aiden has blue-gray eyes and dark blonde hair (which will most likely turn to brown when he's older). and this right after having to deal with old people. but, hey...the kids were well-behaved (well, aidan slept most of the time, being his baby-self in the middle of the day). and all i had to do was entertain arien a bit (by painting her nails and letting her send undecipherable messages to angela). well, it was a fun afternoon to spend, despite my being completely drained. so i'm gonna go and watch some tv and hope i fall asleep quick.
well, bye!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

when i'm off chasing butterflies...

all right. i have nothing new to report, no exciting news or anything like that...wait...i got string cheese!!!! yeah, not that exciting. so, though hopes are being toppled by the world, i've been alarmingly cheerful. i think it's a side effect of too many hot pockets. or the weather. it could be the weather, not that i'm outside enough to know.
yey! my spring break started today! yes! three days of total, unbelievable freedom!isn't it great? ah, i found another anime to obsess over. i know everyone cares, so i'll fill you in. you and the ivy that has begun to twine around my computer desk...yeah, that stuff has successfully infiltrated. it should be congratulated. anyway...back to the anime. i had started on fullmetal alchemist (which, for normal anime-junkies, is one of the first to watch) but then i moved onto DN Angel, which is pretty good...although someday, after i've rewatched all 160+ episodes of bleach and the entire Mobile Suit Gundam Wing (for the third time), i might get back to fullmetal alchemist...first, tho, i think i might check out blood+, watch the miyazaki films again, and then maybe a few random anime movies i find on animekiosk...yep...okay, i know this is a bit weird of me, but, really, what else do i have to do? i mean, it's not like i have any new books i can read. and i've already read the ones i have three to four times (more like twenty for some of my favorites).
ah! look at the time! it's almost 12:30! my day is half done! gee...well, i'll just go and do something now...maybe talk to my family. lord knows what they've been up to since the last time we spoke. they could've done anything in the past week! well, anyway...sayonara!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Until Nefertiti is found, we can't speak of this doom

i am SO excited...about what? well, there are somethings i can tell you and one you'll have to wait a couple more days for...oh, but for the things i can tell you! oh! there's this one book that's coming out this summer that i'm really psyched about...and i just went on the author's site and found out that the book is the beginning of a four-part thingie she's embarking on (with other books in between). well, anyway...this book, which i've been looking forward to for a long, long while...well, it's leading up to this book about a character i absolutely love...even tho i've met him in only one book...but i know he's awesome...and that book will lead into the book of one of my other favorite, mysterious characters...and that will lead to a brand new (but probably totally wondermus) character...isn't it great? but, i know you don't's acheron, jaden, savitar, and then mystery dude...eeeek! it's so exciting...i just cannot believe it! oh, this summer is going to be so awesome for books!
this weekend has been full of work, work, work! and tomorrow i have to get up at five to get ready for work...which will totally suck...but it's all good...i'll get sleep in somehow...
well, no one pays attention beyond a certain point anyway, so i'll just say goodbye...

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

my words tumble forth in a manner most confusing

i'm so excited! about what, you ask? eh, nothing in particular...i'm just happy spring break is coming soon. maybe i'll get some rest, despite the fact i'll proabbly be working the whole time. but, hey, who's complaining? well, i'm in an exceptionally good mood right now, which is great...i mean, i just got attacked by a goose, for goodness' sake! yep. a goose. i don't blame it...i mean, i accidentally got too close to its nest and then it started hissing and honking right before it flew up and tried to beat me with its wings...luckily i got away...and all was well. but before that, i ended up going out onto the porch (gasp! you actually went outside?)...and talked to my mom and stepdad for a good while...i don't exactly remember the last time i did something like that...well, i should go, considering i've got a bit more of the jungle to read...bye!