Wednesday, January 23, 2008

if i wasn't a freak...i think i'd be dull

well, i don't think i'm EVER donating blood again...i am, apparently, too affected by the blood loss. i get loopy...and giggly. and random things seem funny or fun when they really aren't. and then, i get all weirdie and moody. like, i got home and was giggling like mad, and then i got hungry for some cake or something of the sort. and when my mom told me we didn't have sweets of any kind, i burst into tears and made my brother go to the convienience store across the street to get me some food. and when he came back without any food, i started crying again, only to stop when i stood up to get my robe (as i was freezing, tho the house is exceptionally warm today). yeah...i burst out laughing and didn't stop for a good half hour. adn then i slowly got better and looked back on the previous four hours with growing horror. i said, i don't think i'm going to donate any more blood. it might not be a good idea...but at least i can move my arm, which is a good sign. i really thought that dropping my bookbag on my arm was going to make it hurt longer, but i guess not.
well, i should go. i have to yell at Tsukushi for a couple of minutes. yeah, that character's being an idiot. bye!


Angela said...

Let me say this again, maybe you'll remember it this time if I say it slowly. The class is called po-lit-ick-uhl so-shul-iz-a-shun.
Anyway, I'm watching celebrity apprentice and I got so pissed and started yelling at the tv because they're trying to sell broadway play tickets and the women's team didn't choose to try and sell Spamalot tickets. it's pretty funny though that the men chose it and then they made that British celebrity dress up as a knight and made him walk around NYC with a large stuffed bunny with big pointy teeth. They also sold buttons that said "Ni, Ni, Ni" Wen I started yelling at the screen I scared my poor mom. I had to come out of my room to explain what was wrong. I feel very passionately about Monty Python.

Angela said...

Darn it, the comment before this one was supposed to be on the post before this one. Stupid computer.
On a separate note, you should DEFINITELY donate again. Admit it, you had fun and you did a good thing and probably saved three peoples' lives. So suck it up and enjoy the crazy whenever you get a chance!