Friday, August 20, 2010

A new precipice

Wow, it's been a while. I've come back to Georgia and was hanging about Blairsville for a while. Though, admittedly, the summer was a bit different than usual. I have big, exciting news! But I'm not telling, lol.

Angela and I got an apartment in anticipation of college. Which, by the way, starts this weekend. So we're in Canton right now, living it up like only two nerdy college kids can--watching Buffy, Angel, and Leverage nonstop while eating pizza and whatnot.

I went to New York a couple of weeks ago with Mugen. We visited Chinatown and Times Square. It was so much fun! And then, we went to Mugen's cousin's wedding--held in a beautiful Catholic church. The reception was a blast, too. His family's wicked awesome.

This semester is going to be pretty cool. I've narrowed my major down to European History, and I'm taking some pretty nifty classes. Like Fascism and Chivalry. I'm excited. I went on at length the other day about exactly how excited I am...and nearly bored Angela to tears, I'm afraid. I forget sometimes that history bores just about everyone.

Well, I have to get back to watching Angel. I'm waiting for the episode where Fred, the girl who fell through a book, appears.

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