Sunday, February 7, 2010

Snowed in at College on a Weekend

Wow. Just wow. We got snowed in this weekend at the college. And oh my god. I did not realize just how much fun people would have. Last night my entire hall...ENTIRE HALL got drunk. And the other dorms were apparently just as bad. The bathroom was filled with people getting sick, recovering from getting sick, or drunkards about to be sick but who were graciously patting their friends' backs. The halls are a complete mess. One lounge had all its furniture turned over as a particular group of nerds built some sort of fort, while another lounge had unmentionable articles of clothing scattered about the floor, tables, and couches.

Meanwhile, there was a sledding marathon out on the big hill that started at around 8 Friday night and ended about 2 this Sunday afternoon. There was so much alcohol floating about, so many tears, angry shouts, and drunken calls...

If you're wondering whether I joined in with the festivities, well, I'll tell you. I drank on Friday but only managed to get tipsy, spurned a few advances from many a guy wandering about, and then finished up the night discussing Japanese over the phone with Liz. I woke up Saturday feeling perfectly fine, and found that, while I had been sleeping, others had found themselves left with hangovers and decided to cure it with beer. Unfortunately, due to the snowstorm, many liquor stores were closed...but there was a seemingly endless supply of beer. However, as I'm only a fan of the hard liquor, I did not partake in the extreme drunkenness going on last night. I was completely sober, more's the pity. I was cried all over, ranted to, hugged three times, made to comfort, and pretty much used as a judge for any sort of argument/competition as I was--apparently--the only non-inebriated person left on campus. But so it was that I removed myself from the fray relatively early and had a six-hour chat on the phone with an old friend. We were both highly amused by the situation.

But, all in all, I have come to the conclusion that colleges should be the first places dug out from the snow. Because, really, 99% of college kids party on the weekends. Most just leave campus. But, with everyone stuck here, Arcadia was pretty much thrown into a bacchanalia. Scary stuff. But it makes for great stories later on.

Well, I should go now. The slightly tipsy fellows of my roommate have come back with pizza and I must admit to being relatively hungry, not having had anything to eat since 7 last night--this being 4 in the afternoon in the present.

1 comment:

Angela said...

wow. that sounds like a party. Tell me u at least THOUGHT about joining the geeks in their fort buildery?