Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Defend me now, the hollowed

So my new semester has begun. I have Japanese 102, American History from 1865, Intro to Ethics, and Medieval History. My two history classes are night classes. Meaning we meet once a week for three hours. Which would be horrible if I didn't like history...I have Ethics on Mondays and Wednesdays, and I really rather like it. We had a great discussion today in class, in which I actually spoke up (yay me!). And still awesome. It's such a fun class, especially now that I've already been with most of these people for a whole semester (I find it's also easier to get along with them mainly because we tend to have the same interests). For the most part, everything's going pretty well. But it's only the start of the semester, so who knows?

My train ride back up here to PA was relatively uneventful...unless you count the beginning, but that event was caused by a text message by someone not on the does that really count? I don't believe it does. But, anywho. I got here relatively safely (I didn't fall down any escalators this time~!), so that's good. One of my friends went back to Korea, but she's having a good new semester, so that's nice. But, for the real news: most of the girls on my hall are transferring out of Arcadia at the end of this semester. Why? I don't know their reasons. All I know is that I'm transferring away, too! Haha! Though I love the classes (and the variety of such) here, I can't stand anything else! but, through trials and tribulations will I get to better days (hopefully).

But, I must go now, my stomach informing me that I should find some food. So, farewell for now

1 comment:

Angela said...

Linda just told me about something rather hilarious. Apparently, 37 students of ONE class were caught cheating because they all printed out the SAME PAPER.

The best, best part: this was an ethics class.