Thursday, June 4, 2009

purple and green under blue

so my classes have been over for nearly a month now, and i've not died of boredom. yet. i've been reading, writing, watching movies, playing know, the normal homebody stuff. well, angela's birthday is this weekend...i'm going to have to get her something...i'm not entirely sure what, though...this is also my last weekend at dominos...yep. i've already handed my two weeks' notice in and i'm ready to leave.
there's more excitement to come, too. the scottish festival is next weekend. so fun. i absolutely love the scottish festival. and after that, i get to have fun with everyone at the party will's throwing. we're going to the falls and then over to his grandmother's house to have a giant field party...and at the end of that week, i'll be leaving for pennsylvania. hopefully. it's pretty much up to my grandmother, as she won't let me buy my own train ticket. she's not bought the ticket yet, so i might have to leave the week after. which is fine, i suppose. i'd just like to get up there and get things settled...all though, a little more time with my family and friends isn't bad, either.
i wish i'd have been able to stop by the high school, but lacking a car sucks. i got to see my brother's graduation, though. yay peter! he's going into the army (kinda worried), and he seems pretty psyched. but this means my mom won't have any more kids in the house. she's all ready getting kind of depressed.
well, i need to be off. bye!

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