Friday, February 6, 2009


so i went to jury duty on monday. luckily, i didn't get picked...was it because i could barely state my own name (not my fault; my voice kept going in and out due to some idiotic cold makings its rounds about the college)? well, anyway, i would have been a horrible juror. frankly, i thought the case was ridiculous and both parties should be sent home. but, whatever. i got to spend the next couple of days in complete misery...lucky me.

beyond that, nothing much has happened. this semester is a bit tiring, but maybe that's because i started it on a sickly note. and i've got a nice little secret occupying my mind lately. but i'll keep it to myself a bit longer; who knows if my burgeoning plan will pan out?

well, in any case, my nose is going numb...a sure sign that i've not gotten the proper amount of i'll stop here.

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