Tuesday, August 12, 2008

And she is lost in the garden of woe...

so, today i've been really...well, bored. haha. i'm almost always bored, right? well, i decided to do something about it today...so i watched a U2 concert, Hitchhiker's Guide, and Rent. I also, oddly enough, went around my house singing U2 songs and stuff from the Clash. my mom gave me her i-have-no-idea-WHERE-you-came-from look and then went about her business...funny stuff. but, right now, i'm reading manga and entertaining myself by bopping about to music only i can hear. you really should try it sometime; it's quite fun.
well, there's really nothing else to report, so i guess i'll go now...and try and come up with entry titles which don't seem so gloom-and-doom...

1 comment:


Good luck this coming week! Yeah, the school is gestapo-ish (Angela's word, I think) about letting ya'll in to see me. You'll just have to keep in touch w/ me through this blog or call! We def. have to get together and figure this Ireland thing out!