Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Ah, but for a bit of toast, I'd be jam...or whatnot

I'm going to Pennsylvania this summer. To visit my grandparents...and get ready for life at a new college. Yep. Next semester I will be attending Arcadia University in Pennsylvania. It's a fairly small private college (okay, so 3500 isn't as small as YHC's 650, but still), and is like ten miles away from Philadelphia. The best thing about the college, I suppose is that they have good history classes. And my grandparents are half and hour away. I'm kind of excited...and a bit apprehensive, but I think I'll have a good time up at Arcadia. I'm really looking forward to it. Then again, I haven't been to Pennsylvania in something like eight years. Hmm. Well, I get to meet my baby cousin. And see my other cousins. There are a few I haven't met and the rest I've not seen since they were younger than six. It'll be nice to see them again.

I'll really miss everyone here. Especially Angela and Liz. I'm horrible at remembering to write emails and whatever, but I have messenger and facebook and whatnot to keep up with people and it won't be to traumatic going up to an urban town and being surrounded by all those strange people...At least the campus isn't too much bigger than YHC. seeing as I've not managed to procure a means of permanent transportation (I'll be traveling northwards by train...planes are too expensive, sadly). younger brother is graduating this year. Scary, huh? Peter has settled down a little bit. But, compared to the fact that he's a motormouth who bounces off the walls, his "settling down" is more like we gave a sedative to the person sitting next to him...But, really, he's less tempramental than he used to be. Really, I don't like to think this, but maybe it was my older brother's influence which kept Peter so hyperactive. I've noticed that, without Chris, Peter's really rather quiet and contained. Just as long as Peter doesn't have anyone he can run around with, he's fine and goes off and talks quietly to himself. No yelling. No running. No random bursts of energy. But, yes. He's graduating this year and I have no idea what he's going to do. Peter wants to go into the army like Chris, but for the moment they're not accepting him because he stutters (does it matter if he stutters for a little bit? sure, it probably does in a life-or-death situation, but who in their right mind would send Peter off to some dangerous place? He'd blow up the enemy and himself without even touching the explosives...). He really wants to work with stock. And not wallstreet stock. No, he wants to make and keep lists. Because there is nothing Peter does better than lists. It disturbs me. He even keeps lists of characters on shows that existed fifteen years ago...

well, I'll be off to Pennsylvania soon, but for now I have to worry about my school work. finals are in like four weeks.