Tuesday, January 6, 2009

of the 19th year

sooo...today is my birthday. my 19th, to be exact. and i must say, it seems rather much like all the others, down to forgetting that it was my birthday (it happens most every year). so happy birthday to me. it's been uneventful, but nice. i also beat my high score on solitaire early this morning (please don't judge me; i'm extremely bored).
oh! but i bought myself Mamma Mia. that's right. Abba's musical sensation. really, i have no idea why it appeals to me so much (probably has something to do with the fact that my mom and i used to dance to disco when i was younger...it's all my mom really listens to). i just absolutely love that movie. my mom, oddly enough, did not enjoy it too much. she says there were too many songs. well, whatever. i'll go and watch it all by my lonesome...
i also got a jury summons today. yep. happy birthday to me from union county judicial system. aren't they great? not only do i have to come back home to go to the jury duty, but it means i'm going to have to miss some of my classes. uggh. it's on a monday, too. so that's history, english, and math. uggh. oh well. i can't do anything about it unless fate decides to let loose some strange, serendipitous moment (unlikely).
well, i'm off to eat more cake and reread hana kimi (yet again, i must mention my extreme boredom. i'll be all too happy when i get back to YHC).